martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

blog 6

The internet is very important to my life, I do everything on internet. Some years ago I used to others things I use to download music and pictures of interesting thing and artistics referents to my work. The only problem of download files is the large space used on my computer. For these reason I started to use youtube to lisen music and watchin videos online and use pinterest to save and catalog all my pictures and my artistic referents.

I use youtube every day because I really like to listen to music all the time and you can serch diferent playlist of the kind of music you prefer. I use pinterest a few times on week, I use when I find and interesting artist or beatiful pictures. Both web sites really change my lifestyle, now I don't need to use my computer capacity.

martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

blog 4

Today I’m going to show you a increíble hiper-realistic sculptor, his name is Ron Mueck, and his work is amazing.

Ron Mueck was born in 1958 in Australia, but he lives in Ingland.

At 70’s he was work in a production of special effects for the tv and films, afther that, he moved to Los Angeles, and then to London. In London he worked making “animatronics” fot the publicity industry, the “animatronics” had a lot of details but only for 1 angle, because his works were made to be photographed then, he began to interest for make sculptures, whit details from every angles.

The sculptures of muek are hiper-realistic he makes the human body whit all the details, but he plays whit scales, something the real size, but when he makes bodys too big, is amazing but spooky!

In his sculpture he used silicone and an acrilic because these materials are more manageable, and he use real hair.

On of the most impressive sculpture is the reproduction of his father body, he made his dead father and he used his hair, he called this work “Dead dad”.


jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

blog 1

Hello Im Felipe Monroy Im 23 years old, i was born in 1991 in Santiago Chile, I have 2 brothers and 1 sister, I grew up all most part of my life in Providencia near Plaza Italia, I was live whit my mother and my sister. I try to do all my things near to my home because I hate the public transport, because is very expensive and slow in point hours. Wen I was a child I don't like where I live, because I was think is very noisy crowded place, but when I go to school  near to my home, I was start to like my neighborhood very much because I meet a amazing neighbors on there.

 I like to go everywhere in bicycle because is chip and faster, I try to spend all my free times making artistic thinks like doing silkscreen, ceramics, painting and photography.


blog 2

Hi classmates

Today I going to write about my expectation for this semester. This is my last semester of my career so I need to approve all my subjects, I only have six subjects, three of these are theoretical and the others are practical, I prefer practical subjects because in my opinion I think we are most useful to the real life out of the university. My central workshop are ceramics, when I come to the faculty I try to spend all my time in there. Out of the faculty I started a new project whit my girlfriend we are working in silkscreen printing making t shirts and crockery, this project is very interested because we cant print over you every wont.

In this moment I don't doing nothing apart the University and my personal projects because both things spend all my time. I will think this is a intense period because i need to comply in the faculty and in my work.

See you in class!

Blog 3

My favorite piece of technology is my notebook, I but it a few years ago when my mom traveled to the United States. I paid very little for it because in this cuntry old the electronics things are cheaper than here. I use my computer every day araund three hours becaus I need it for my work. I use it to do graphics desing and allways to lisen to music, view interesting web sites and movies. I like my PC because it has good components and it is moderately fast. I don't imagine my life without it, because I wouldn't earn money to pay my rent.